GLASS brings a citizen-centric, eGovernance model for public administration services, which automates the processes and safeguards the integrity of interactions among citizens, businesses and public authorities.
GLASS introduces a new paradigm for evidence and record transfer. The project will design, implement and thoroughly assess a single sign-on Wallet as a Service (WaaS) platform that interconnects distinct distributed applications (dapps) responsible for ID authentication, document sharing, information exchange and transactions validation, in compliance with the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) guidelines, enabling a single point of access to information, without a single point of failure in the services.
PAID PERSON MONTHS on Project - 18

LOCARD aims to provide a holistic platform for chain of custody assurance along the forensic workflow, a trusted distributed platform allowing the storage of digital evidence metadata in a blockchain. Each node of LOCARD will be able to independently set its own permission policies and to selectively share access to digital evidence with other nodes when deemed necessary and upon proper authorization through fine-grained policies.
LOCARD's modularity will also allow diverse actors to tailor the platform to their specific needs and role in the digital forensic workflow, from preparation and readiness, to collection, to analysis and reporting.
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 20
DE4A is a Member State-driven pilot, aligned with strategic eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 and EIF Implementation Strategy and with full regulatory compliance (SDGR, GDPR, eIDAS, Services Directive…), establishing a culture of co-creation, transparency, accountability and trustworthiness. Its goal is facilitating migration towards European Digital Public Services co-delivered across borders, across sectors and with different participants, reinforcing trust in public institution, and unleashing multiple measurable positive impacts on efficiency gains and reduction of administrative burden and costs.
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 15

The FutureTrust project will address the need for eIDAS compliant globally interoperable solutions, through basic research with respect to the foundations of trust and trustworthiness, active support of the standardisation process in relevant areas, and providing Open Source software components and trustworthy services, which will ease the use of portable eID and electronic signature technology in real world applications.
Responsible for internal and external communications, dissemination and partner programs
Responsible for applicable standards surveys
Participation in other technical Work Packages
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 20

The FutureID project builds a comprehensive, flexible, privacy-aware and ubiquitously usable identity management infrastructure for Europe. It integrates existing eID technology, trust infrastructures, emerging federated identity management services, and modern credential technologies
Responsible for internal and external communications, dissemination and partner programs
Responsible for assessment of AppServer integration requirements
Responsible for applicable standards surveys
Participation in other Work Packages
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 26

Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0 contributes to the realization of a single European electronic identification and authentication area. It builds on the results of STORK, establishing interoperability of different approaches at national and EU level, eID for persons, eID for legal entities.
Large Scale Pilot: STORK, STORK2.0:
Part responsible for dissemination
Advisor to banking pilot
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 5+

LIGHTest develops a lightweight trust infrastructure providing parties of electronic transactions with automatic validation of trust based on their individual trust policies. To ease integration and improve availability on any system, LIGHTest makes use of the existing global Domain Name System (DNS) for publication, querying, and cross-jurisdiction translation of information relevant to make such decisions, including levels of assurance.
Responsible for internal and external communications, dissemination and Community activities.
Participation in other technical Work Packages
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 20

ATTPS supported the TDL community with the implementation of its SRA. The focus of ATTPS was on orchestration of the project roadmap (innovation funnel), the execution of pilot projects to validate new innovative technology concepts for trustworthy ICT, and the support of standardisation bodies.
Project Manager (Period3)
Responsible for coordinating WPs and forming coherent outcomes to further goals of project

The objective of this network is to provide a platform for all the stakeholders of eID (electronic identity) to work together and collaborate to prepare the agenda for a proposed Single European Digital Identity Community as envisaged by the Digital Agenda (DAE) in its Key Action 16.
Founder and Network coordinator
Responsible for Mobile eID and Authentication outcomes
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 20

ECIM as a platform aspires to encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors in cities, bolstering pan-European innovation and contributing in the development of smarter public services. ECIM envisions smarter services as more user-centred as well as cost-effective in their conception and deployment.
Responsible for Cross-Border Interoperability design - including STORK and FutureID interoperability
PAID PERSON MONTHS on project - 6.5